Pub tables are increasingly popular for furnishing home bars and eating areas, especially in smaller spaces. Pub tables don't take up a lot of space, but stand higher than typical tables, giving guests a place to gather naturally, where they can rest their drinks and snacks. Pub tables can be constructed in a variety of shapes and sizes to add a casual eating area to any room that suits its dimensions and decor. Tables are also satisfying beginner-level projects for someone just getting involved in woodworking.
- 1
Choose a shape and size for the top of your table. Pub tables may be square, oval or round, depending on your tastes. In terms of size, a 3-foot square is a good all-purpose size for a medium pub table, but adjustments can easily be made to suit other shapes. Trace your chosen shape onto the sheet of plywood.
2Cut out the traced shape of the tabletop using the circular saw. Also using the circular saw, cut two lengths of 2-by-4 board that are 3 feet long and three pieces that are 2 feet, 9 inches long. Cut both of your 4-by-4 boards in half to form four 3-foot sections for the table legs. Sand the rough edges of the cut pieces.
3Place the two 3-foot sections of 2-by-4 board on edge and parallel to each other, approximately 3 feet apart. Position a 2-foot, 9-inch section between the longer boards at either end to form a frame. Predrill two holes through each end of each of the 4-foot boards and into the shorter boards, and fasten the frame with 2 1/2-inch screws.
4Insert the third 2 foot, 9 inch 2-by-4 board in the center of the frame, parallel with the other two shorter boards. Fasten the center board in place by screwing two 2.5-inch wood screws through the 4-foot sides of the frame into each end of the center board, predrilling the screw holes beforehand to prevent the boards from cracking. Center the tabletop over the frame. Every 6 inches around the edge of the tabletop, fasten the plywood to the frame with a 1.5-inch wood screw.
5Flip the tabletop over so that the frame is exposed. Set a 4-by-4 section in each of the four corners of the frame and fasten it in place with four 2.5-inch screws. Predrill the holes through the frame and into the table legs before fastening the screws. Turn the table right side up. Predrill and screw four final 1.5- inch wood screws through the tabletop into the four legs for extra support.
How to Make a Pub Table eHow
www.ehow.com/how_7796528_make-pub-table.htmlPub tables are increasingly popular for furnishing home bars and eating areas, especially in smaller spaces. Pub tables don't take up a lot of space, but stand higher ...
Lowe's Creative Ideas - Home Improvement Projects and DIY Ideas
www.lowescreativeideas.com/idea-library/projects/pub_table_0909.aspxSet a star-spangled picnic table. Celebrate the Fourth of July with these red, white, and blue party projects. ... and create zones for dining, lounging, and gardening.
How to Build a Pub Table: Beer Masters
www.beermasters.com/content/set-up-your-home-bar/how-build-pub-tablePub tables are perfect for a casual eating area or next to a pool. ... I want to make beermasters.com a portal for beer enthusiasts and experts from around the world.
How to Make a Wooden Pub Table eHow
www.ehow.com/how_4911995_make-wooden-pub-table.htmEverybody loves a pub table because they are so versatile. Because of their size, they are easily stored away when not in use. In addition, a wooden pub table can add ...
How to Build a Simple Pub Table - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com
voices.yahoo.com/how-build-simple-pub-table-8015098.html14/03/2011 Making a plastic pub table gives you a durable piece of outdoor furniture that will provide many years of enjoyment. With a little knowledge and some basic ...
How to Build a Pub Table - EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your ...
ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Build-a-Pub-Table&id=531576203/11/2010 I have shown people how to create this stunning piece of furniture for under $500. ... This is the preferred height for pub tables. Tips.
Do it Yourself Wood Bar Table From 2 X 4'S eHow UK
www.ehow.co.uk/how_6792946_make-pub-table-2-4_s.htmThese days, bar tables come in all shapes and sizes, all styles and materials. Some people prefer the classic style of a heavy pedestal pub table, while others go for ...
How to Build a Pub Table
www.my-pub-table.com/How_to_Build_a_Pub_Table.htmlHow to Build a Pub Table . . . We specialize in high-quality pub tables, pub table sets and chairs. Incredible prices, free shipping, no-hassle returns guarantee. We ...
How to Make Your Own Outside Do it Yourself Pub Table From 2X4s ...
www.ehow.co.uk/how_6395796_make-yourself-pub-table-2x4s.htmlHow to Make Your Own Outside Do it Yourself Pub Table From 2X4s. Pub tables are intended to look a little rough. Unfinished 2-by-4-foot stock lumber is much less ...
How to Build a Pub Table and Stools, Part 1: Table Legs - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmQrXEdZJHIBy Lowes 3 min 41,897 views Added 12/01/2011Building a pub table and stool seems like a tricky project, but with these creative tips from Lowe's Shop ... how do I make sure my woods are termite free?
How to make a sturdy base for a round pub table?? Any ideas ...
answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080826070046AAEusbnResolved 3 total answers26/08/2008 Best Answer: How about using a Whiskey Barrel for a base? I saw this done already.Depending on the height of the stools, you might have to cut it to the ...
How to Make a Table: 14 Steps - wikiHow
www.wikihow.com/Make-a-TableHow to Make a Table. Making a wooden table is a great entry level project for the beginning woodworker, and also a complex project for the more experienced carpenter.
Biz Budget Designs: How To Make a Shabby Chic Distressed Pub Table!
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PUB: How to Create a Table of Contents Using the Table Tool
support.microsoft.com/kb/12440316/08/2005 The Microsoft Publisher Table tool has a Table Format option that includes three table of contents designs. Using one of these formats makes creating a ...
How to Build a Pub Table Bloglines Answers
answers.bloglines.com/Home/how_to_build_a_pub_tableTo build a pub table you will need the lumber you're going to use, ... Making Wood Tables. Ethan Allen. Related Questions . How do You Set a Formal Dining Table.
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Pub Furniture.net Tables
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How to Build a Pub Table and Stools, Part 2: Table Top and ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OIiSsfJmP0By Lowes 2 min 40,724 views Added 12/01/2011Now you will create the 4 aprons for the pub table.
Table Table Pub Restaurants
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