If there is one thing in a house that there never seems to be enough of, it is flat surfaces upon which to place our everyday items. End tables rank at the top of this list. Many homeowners are building their own because they want to be sure to get exactly what they want. Anybody with a little knowledge of woodworking and power tools should be able to put together any type of the end table they desire. Does this Spark an idea?
- 1
Measure and cut enough 1-by-6-inch lumber to create the desired length and width of the end tabletop. Set these aside.
2Measure and cut two pieces of 1-by-6-inch.lumber 4-inches.shorter than the length of the tabletop. Apply wood glue to the top of a table leg and secure it to one of these pieces with the 1 -inch drywall screws aligning it in a corner. Repeat this process on the other end of this piece and then repeat the whole process with the other 1-by-6-inch lumber that you just cut.
3Measure and cut two pieces of the 1-by-4 inch lumber the same length as the 1-by-6 that you cut in Step 2. Next, Measure and cut two pieces of the 1-by-4-inch lumber that is 4 inches narrower than the table's width.
4Apply glue to the outside edge of the 1-by-6 that is attached to the legs. Secure the 1-by-4 that is the same length with the 1 - inch drywall screws. Repeat this for the other piece that has legs attached to it.
5Apply glue to the top of two of the legs so that you can secure one of the 1-by-4s that is 4-inches narrower than the table's width. Secure these with the 1 -inch drywall screws. This will result in creating a base upon which to install your top pieces.
6Lay the 1-by-6-inch tabletop pieces next to each other with the top facing down. Place the base of your table on top of the pieces that were cut for the tabletop. Space the tabletop pieces as you desire and draw a line around the perimeter of the base on the bottom side of the top pieces.
7Remove the base from the tabletop pieces and run a bead of glue on the inside of the line. Place the base back onto the tabletop pieces aligning it with the lines that you drew. Secure the base to the tabletop pieces with the 1 -inch drywall screws.
How to build an end table HowToSpecialist - How to Build, Step ...
www.howtospecialist.com/finishes/furniture/how-to-build-an-end-tableThis step by step diy article is about how to build an end table. We show you how to build your own table from wood, using common tools and easy-to-follow plans.
Video: How To Build an End Table for Under $20
video.about.com/budgetdecorating/Build-An-End-Table-Under--20.htmOne of the easiest ways to save on furniture is to make it yourself! Find out how to build a simple but good-looking end table that will cost you just under 20 bucks.
How to Build an End Table eHow
www.ehow.com/how_4794151_build-end-table.htmlIf there is one thing in a house that there never seems to be enough of, it is flat surfaces upon which to place our everyday items. End tables rank at the top of ...
How to Build a Small End Table eHow UK
www.ehow.co.uk/how_4865959_build-shadow-box-coffee-table.htmlHow to Build a Small End Table. You can easily build a shadow box end table from a small window and a few other wood supplies. If you can attach two pieces of wood ...
How to build a table - Woodworking for engineers
woodgears.ca/table/howto.htmlSo I wrote this article on how to build a table without having a workshop full of ... The design of this table requires a rabbet to be cut at the end of the rails, ...
How to Build an End-Table - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com
voices.yahoo.com/how-build-end-table-4763734.html30/10/2009 Easy to follow instructions and blueprints for creating your own end-table.
Building a Table - Overview DoItYourself.com
www.doityourself.com/stry/buildtableoverviewIn this article, we are going to demonstrate the correct way to build a beautiful end table in your own workshop. We will take you through step by step, ...
Building a table - Woodworking for engineers
woodgears.ca/table/build_table.htmlFor the table I was building here, I used some walnur table legs I ... And a last step was to glue a ledge to the inside of the end apron rails. The table top is ...
How to Build a Simple Wood End Table eHow UK
www.ehow.co.uk/how_6529841_build-simple-wood-end-table.htmlHow to Build a Simple Wood End Table. A wood end table can accentuate the decor in your home. These can be made out of any type of wood. Certain types of wood are ...
How to Build a Round End Table eHow
www.ehow.com/how_5897104_build-round-end-table.htmlBeautiful furniture can add both style and elegance to any home. It can also be costly, however. In order to quickly spruce up your living room, consider adding ...
How to Build End Tables Bloglines Answers
answers.bloglines.com/Home/how_to_build_end_tablesBuilding your own end tables can be a satisfying way to decorate your home. To do this, you'll need 1x6 inch and 1x4 inch wood, table legs,
How To Build A End Table - Check it Here ! - wood
wood.ezinemark.com/how-to-build-a-end-table-check-it-here-16a3e1d2...end table plans can vary a lot, from clear to very confusing - how can you be sure they can really help you? Save yourself some major headaches and use your time well ...
How to Build a Parsons Table: Simple DIY Woodworking Project ...
www.popularmechanics.com/home/how-to-plans/woodworking/284619120/05/2006 How to Build a Parsons Table: ... stack them so they're aligned and drive a nail at each end so the points just poke through the top piece.
How to Build an End Table - Ask.com
how-to.ask.com/build/how_to_build_an_end_tableHow to Build an End Table - To build a sturdy end table you will need, a planer, a table saw, a miter box, a drill press, drill bits, a pencil, lumb
Free Woodworking Plans - Bedside Table
www.shop-for-wood-working-tools.com/woodworking-plans-table.htmBedside Table. The Project ... table is the perfect size for any bedroom, or it can be used in a living room as an end table. While it's ...
How to Build a Side Table This Old House
www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/how-to/intro/0,,20431944,00.htmlHow to Build a Side Table Build this sturdy Arts and Craftsstyle stand from stock lumberyou can ... Whitewood Bomby Tall Unfinished End Table by ...
How To Build an End Table for Under $20 - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXRp5Owr9QEBy About 4 min 9,230 views Added 23/11/2010One of the easiest ways to save on furniture is to make it yourself! Find out how to build a simple but good-looking end table that will cost you just ...
How do I build a end table? - Yahoo! Answers
answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080528124351AAPkzssResolved 4 total answers28/05/2008 Best Answer: Go here http://www.freeww.com/endtables.html for free plans ... Go to Ikea, you would feel like you made it. All their stuff are kits and you ...
Making an End Table - Fine Woodworking Article
www.finewoodworking.com/.../article/making-an-end-table.aspxMaking an End Table The beauty of this Arts-and-Crafts design is in the details. ... He emphasized developing hand-tool skills and building simple, ...
Side Coffee Table Project page 1 - BuildEazy Free woodworking Plans
www.buildeazy.com/coffeetable.htmlThis small coffee table is ideal for a side table or end table. The table is designed with the home handyman in mind. It is both easy to build and is very sturdy.
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